Fish Nursery
A part of our conservation effortsHistory of MFG Fish Nursery Ponds:
Early in the history of the Association the need to sponsor activities relating to the interests of fishermen were realized. Fish purchased or donated from various sources were stocked in local dams and streams. In June of 1945, C. Elmer Bender, then President of the Association, attempted to restore a fish rearing pond on the property, but full success of the project was never realized. Mr. Bender never gave up on the fish rearing program, and over a period of time various sites for a pond were suggested and considered. It was not until July 14, 1955, that an agreement was negotiated with Mr. Bender to establish two trout rearing ponds on property he had then recently acquired near the club lands. Through the efforts of a devoted group of club members, excavation and placing of railroad ties to establish the rearing ponds brought success to the project. In August of 1962, the Association purchased the ponds from Mr. Bender’s estate. It is for this reason the ponds are named in his honor and a memorial plaque is displayed on-site. Various improvements to the ponds have taken place in recent years.
Fish Stocking
Mohnton Fish and Game stocks trout in the Angelica Creek, Porky Pond, and Wyomissing Creek during the spring. If you would like to help with the fish stocking please contact the club.